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iSeries Humidity and Temperature Controller

CNiTH Series

Environmental Controller | CNiTH Series

Environmental Controller

SGD954.72 CNiTH-i3222-2

  • Output 1 - Humidity
    Output 2 - Temperature
  • 4 Popular DIN Sizes
  • Ethernet and Serial Communications (optional)
  • User-friendly, Simple to Configure
  • Two Channels of Full Autotune PID Control
  • Choice of Relays, SSR, DC Pulse, Analog Voltage or Current
  • Programmable Ramp and Soak for Humidity and/or Temperature
  • RH/Temperature Probe included
  • UL and cUL Certified
  • Compatible with Omega Enterprise Gateway
Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments - View related products


Starting from Feb 1st 2018, DPiTH Models will be discontinued. As a possible substitute, please check out the ITHX-SD Series for details. At the same time, we will keep the CNiTH Models.

The OMEGA™ iTH Series instruments monitor and control both temperature and relative humidity. All controllers in the series are high quality, highly accurate instruments featuring Omega’s award-winning iSeries technology, uncompromising accuracy, backed by an extended 5-year warranty.

The instruments are simple to configure and use, while providing tremendous versatility and a wealth of powerful features.

With two full channels of PID control, these instruments are the perfect choice for environmental control applications such as test chambers, clinical storage, computer rooms, etc.

The iTH Series Controllers provide single output control for humidity and temperature and are easily programmed for any control or alarming requirement from simple on-off to full autotune PID control.

The iTH family controllers are available in four true DIN sizes: the ultra compact 1/32 DIN; the popular midsize 1/16 DIN square bezel with dual display; the 1/8 DIN vertical, and the 1/8 DIN horizontal with the big bright 21 mm digits.

The iTH Series LED displays can be programmed to change color between GREEN, AMBER, and RED at any setpoint or alarm point.

The iTH controller models offer a choice of 2 control or alarm outputs in almost any combination: solid state relays (SSR); form “C” SPDT (single pole double throw) relays; pulsed 10 Vdc output for use with an external SSR; or analog output selectable for control or retransmission of the process value.

The networking and communications options (highly recommended) include direct Ethernet LAN connectivity with an embedded Web server, and serial communications. The C24 serial communications option includes both RS232 and RS485. Protocols include both MODBUS® and a straightforward ASCII protocol. The C4EIT option includes both Ethernet and RS485 ASCII/MODBUS on one device.

The iTH Series controllers are designed for easy integration with popular industrial automation, data acquisition and control programs as well as Microsoft Visual Basic and Excel. Omega provides free configuration software which makes it fast and easy to get up and running. Available for download on the Web.

+/-4%RH0%-5% RH     ,95%-100% RH
+/-3.5%RH5%-10% RH   ,90%-95% RH

Action: Reverse (heat) or direct (cool)
Modes: Time and amplitude proportional control modes; selectable manual or auto PID, proportional, proportional with integral, proportional with derivative with anti-reset windup and ON/OFF
Rate: 0 to 399.9 seconds
Reset: 0 to 3999 seconds
Cycle Time: 1 to 199 seconds; set to 0 for ON/OFF operation
Gain: 0.5 to 100% of span; setpoints 1 or 2
Damping: 0000 to 0008
Soak: 00.00 to 99.59 (HH:MM), or OFF
Ramp to Setpoint: 00.00 to 99.59 (HH:MM), or OFF
Autotune: Operator initiated from front panel for 1 input at a time only

There are two physical outputs: Output 1 = RH, Output 2 = Temp
Functions are set up as Outputs (PID or ON/OFF), or Alarms
Ordering output choices:
    Relay: 250 Vac @ 3A or 30 Vdc @ 3A (resistive load); Form C SPDT
    SSR: 20 to 265 Vac @ 0.05 - 0.5A (resistive load); continuous
    DC Pulse: Non-Isolated; 10 Vdc @ 20 mA (used with external SSR)
    Analog Output (Output 1 only): Non-Isolated, control or retransmission 0 to 10 Vdc or 0 to 20 mA;
     500 ohm max, accuracy is ±1% of FS

Control Output 1 and 2
    Action: Reverse (heat) or Direct (cool)
    Modes: Time and Amplitude Proportional Control Modes; selectable Manual or Auto PID, Proportional, Proportional with Integral, Proportional with Derivative with Anti-reset Windup and ON/OFF

Alarm 1 and 2 (Programmable)
1) Alarms are used for color changing sequence of alarm status (visual alarm).
2) Alarm functions are active, in addition to the color changing functions, if Output 1 & 2 are (menu) disabled.
3) If Alarms are disabled, Output menus (PID or ON/OFF) are active. Color change is still active.
Operation: High/low, above/below, band, latch/unlatch, normally open/normally closed and process/deviation; front panel configurations
-AL Limit Alarm Version: Output 1 & 2 submenus used for PID are eliminated from menu. Color sequence based on alarm setpoints is still available.

Relative Humidity Accuracy/Range: ±3% for 10 to 90%; ±3.5% for 5 to 10% and 90 to 95% ±4% for 0 to 5% and 95 to 100%
Hysteresis: ±1% RH
Non-linearity: ±3%
Temperature Accuracy/Range*:
±0.5°C for 5° to 45°C (±1°F for 41 to 113°F); up to ±1.5°C for -40° to 5°C and 45° to 124°C (up to ±2.7°F for -40° to 41°F and 113° to 255°F)
Resolution: 0.1%, 12-bit for RH; 0.1°C, 14 bit for temperature
Response Time: 8 seconds, tau 63% for RH; 5 to 30 seconds, tau 63% for temperature
* Note: Extended temperature range is for industrial probe only, the controller’s operating temperature is 0 to 50°C.

Network and Serial Communications (For Options -C24, -C4EIT, -EIT)
Ethernet: Standards compliance IEEE 802.3 10Base-T
Supported Protocols: TCP/IP, ARP
RS232/RS422/RS485: Selectable from menu; both ASCII and MODBUS protocol selectable from menu; programmable 300 to 19.2 K baud; complete programmable setup capability; program to transmit current display, alarm status, min/max, actual measured input value and status
RS485: Addressable from 0 to 199
Connection: Screw terminals

A/D Conversion: 12-bit RH and 14-bit temp
    Reading Rate: 2 samples per sec max
    Digital Filter: Programmable
    Decimal Selection: None, 0.1 for temp and humidity
Display: 4-digit, 9-segment LED
    i32, i16D, i8DV: 10.2 mm (0.40")
    i8: 21 mm (0.83")
    i8DH: 10.2 mm (0.40") and 21 mm (0.83") GREEN, AMBER, and RED programmable colors for process variable, setpoint and temp units
Operating Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F), 90% RH non-condensing
    i32, i16D: NEMA 4X (IP65) front bezel
    i8DH, i8DV: NEMA 1 (IP23) front bezel
Power: Refer to ordering guide
No CE compliance above 60 Hz.
(Specify Model Number)

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Part Number/Desc.
Consult Sales  
CONTROLLER,Temperature and RH Input 1/32 DIN Single Display, Two SSR Outputs, WITH 2" (50.8mm) Probe on 3ft (0.91m) cable
Consult Sales  
CONTROLLER,Temperature and RH Input 1/32 DIN Single Display, Analog output and Pulse, WITH 5" (137mm) Probe on 10ft (3m) cable AND Isolated RS-232 and RS-485
Consult Sales  
CONTROLLER,Temperature and RH Input 1/16 DIN Dual Display, 2 Relays: Form "C"SPDT 3 A @ 120 Vac, 3 A @ 240 Vac, WITH 2" (50.8mm) Probe on 3 ft (0.91m) cable
Consult Sales  
CONTROLLER,Temperature and RH Input 1/16 DIN Dual Display, 2 Relays: Form "C"SPDT 3 A @ 120 Vac, 3 A @ 240 Vac, WITH 5" (137mm) Probe on 10ft (3m) cable
Consult Sales  
CONTROLLER,Temperature and RH Input 1/8 DIN Dual Display Horizontal, SSR and Form C Relay, WITH 2" (50.8mm) Probe on 3ft (0.91m) cable
Consult Sales  
CONTROLLER,Temperature and RH Input 1/8 DIN Dual Display Horizontal, 2 Relays: Form "C"SPDT 3 A @ 120 Vac, 3 A @ 240 Vac, WITH 5" (137mm) Probe on 10ft (3m) cable
Consult Sales  
CONTROLLER,Temperature and RH Input 1/8 DIN Dual Display Horizontal, 2 Relays: Form "C"SPDT 3 A @ 120 Vac, 3 A @ 240 Vac, WITH 5" (137mm) Probe on 10ft (3m) cable AND Isolated RS-232 and RS-485
Consult Sales  
CONTROLLER,Temperature and RH Input 1/8 DIN Dual Display Horizontal, 2 Relays: Form "C"SPDT 3 A @ 120 Vac, 3 A @ 240 Vac, WITH 5" (137mm) Probe on 10ft (3m) cable PLUS Ethernet with Embedded Web Server
Consult Sales  
CONTROLLER,Temperature and RH Input 1/8 DIN Dual Display Vertical, 2 Relays: Form "C"SPDT 3 A @ 120 Vac, 3 A @ 240 Vac, WITH 5" (137mm) Probe on 10ft (3m) cable
Consult Sales  
CONTROLLER,Temperature and RH Input 1/8 DIN Dual Display Vertical, 2 Relays: Form "C"SPDT 3 A @ 120 Vac, 3 A @ 240 Vac, WITH 5" (137mm) Probe on 10ft (3m) cable PLUS Ethernet with Embedded Web Server
Availability: 1 week
Porous Polyethylene Industrial Probe Cap, for wet environments, 10 pack. For external industrial probes only
Availability: 1 week
Replacement Mounting Kit, for external industrial probes
Calibrated Replacement Probes, including Calibration Certificate
Availability: 13 weeks
Replacement Industrial 51mm (2") Probe with stripped wire leads and NIST traceable calibration certificate. 3 humidity points of 25%, 50%, 75%, one temp. at 25°C.
Availability: 13 weeks
Replacement Industrial 137mm (5") Probe with stripped wire leads and NIST traceable calibration certificate. 3 humidity points of 25%, 50%, 75%, one temp. at 25°C.
All prices on this site are shown in Singapore Dollars.
1. Analog output (Option 5) is not available with "-AL" units.
2. "-C4EIT" or "-EIT" option is not available on the 1/32 DIN. Refer to the iServer section for other Ethernet devices that can connect to a CNiTH-i32xx-x-C24.
Units can be powered safely with 24 Vac power, but no certification for CE/UL are claimed.

Ordering Example: (1) CNITH-I8DH43-5-C4EIT is a horizontal 1/8 DIN dual display with pulse and relay outputs, a 5, SGD1,510.00 

Option Descriptions:

(1) Size select from:
-i8DH for 1/8 DIN Dual Display Horizontal
-i8DV for 1/8 DIN Dual Display Vertical
-i16D for 1/16 DIN Dual Display
-i32 for 1/32 DIN Single Display

(2) Control Outputs select from:
22 for 2 Solid State Relays SSR
23 for SSR and Form C Relay
24 for SSR and Pulse 10V dc
33 for 2 Relays - Form C Relay
42 for Pulsed 10 V dc and SSR
43 for Pulsed 10 V dc and Form C Relay
44 for 2 Pulsed 10 V dc
52 for Analog Output and SSR
53 for Analog output and Relay
54 for Analog output and Pulse

(3) RH/Temp Probe select from:
-2 for 2 in. probe with 3ft cable
-5 for 5 in. probe with 10ft cable

(4) Network Options select from:
Nothing(leave field blank) for no Network Option
-C24 for Isolated RS232 and RS485
-EIT for Ethernet with Embedded Web Server
-C4EIT for Ethernet with Embedded Web Server + Isolated RS485/422

(5) Power Supply select from:
Nothing(leave field blank) for Standard power input 90-240Vac
-DC for Low Power option 12-36 Vdc/24 Vac CNiTH-i32 or 20-36 Vdc/24 Vac CNiTH-i8/i16
Note: All combinations may not be valid, check spec sheet for valid part numbers.

Product Manuals:

Download CNiTH-i8DH & CNiTH-i8DV - Quick Start Manual Humidity + Temp Controller
Download CNiTH-i32 iSeries - Quick Start Manual - Humidity + Temperature Controller
Download CNiTH-16D iSeries - Quick Start Humidity + Temp Controller
Download CNiTH-i8DH, i8DV, i16D, i32 - Temperature + Humidity Controller Manual
Download CNi/CNiS/CNiTH 8,8C,8D,16,16D - -EIT/-C4EIT Option - Embedded Ethernet for iSeries Monitor/Controller
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