TWO WAY VALVES SV120 Series: Stainless Steel, Normally Closed SV130 Series: Stainless Steel, Normally Open SV200 Series: Brass, Normally Closed SV210 Series: Brass, Normally Open
Two-way solenoid valves cover most industrial laboratory applications. A two-way valve controls the flow of fluids through a single passage. It has two ports, an inlet (1) and an outlet (2). A normally closed valve does not pass fluid unless it is energized. A normally open valve operates in the opposite manner.
SPECIFICATIONS Wetted Parts: SV100 Series: stainless steel, copper and seal; SV200 Series: brass, stainless steel, copper and seal. Medium: Liquid or gases (SV101-105, 107-113, Filter 40 microns) Max. Static Pressure: 1.5 times max. psid, vacuum (>5 microns ABS) Ambient Temp.: 15 to 150°F (-9 to 50°C) Mounting Pipe mounting, any direction Power: 10 Watts, 120 Vac coils, 50-60 Hz
For Steam, Hot Water, Anti-Water Hammer, 3-Way, 4-Way and Selectable Service SV220 Series: 2-Way, Hot Water, Brass, Normally Closed SV230 Series: 2-Way, Steam, Brass, Normally Closed SV240 Series: 3-Way, General Purpose, Brass, Normally Closed SV250 Series: 3-Way, Selectable Purpose, Brass SV260 Series: 3-Way, General Purpose, Brass, Normally Closed SV270 Series: 4-Way, Air, Selectable Purpose, Aluminum, Normally Closed SV280 Series: 4-Way, Anti-Waterhammer, Brass, Normally Closed SV290 Series: 4-Way, Anti-Waterhammer, Brass, Normally Open
A three-way valve is normally used to control larger values; it has an inlet port, an exhaust port, and a common cylinder port.
A four-way valve has an inlet port (1), two cylinder ports (2 and 4), and two exhaust ports (3 and 5). They are generally used to control double-acting actuators.
SPECIFICATIONS Wetted Parts: SV200: brass, stainless steel, copper and seal (SV242 acetal additional) (SV271: aluminum, acetal, stainless steel, copper, and seal) (SV281,282, FKM additional). Medium: Liquids or gases Max. Static Pressure: 5 x Max psid Ambient Temp.: 15 to 122°F (-9 to 50°C) Mounting: Pipe mounting, any direction Power: 10 watts, 120 Vac, Class F (PV231 to 235, 22 watts, 120 Vac Class H)
† All prices on this site are shown in Singapore Dollars. Note: All SV100 and SV200 series valves are 110 Vac powered. For 220 Vac power, purchase replacement coil separately. Ordering Example: (1) SV122 is a normally closed, 2 way valve, 1/4'' NPTF fittings, Stainless Steel body, FKM seal and CV= 0.06, SGD333.49