See All Models Below
OMEGA's Quick Disconnect Thermocouples with Miniature Connectors are high quality, economical thermocouple probes. They feature a glass filled nylon connector which is rated for temperatures up to 220°C(425°F). The probes are available in with diameters as small as 0.25mm(0.010 inches) and as large as to 3.0mm(0.125 inches). Alloy/ANSI Color Code | Sheath Dia. inches | Model No. 6" Length | Model No. 12" Length |
J Iron-Constantan 304 SS Sheath | 0.010 0.020 0.032 0.040 0.062 0.125 |
SICSS-020(*)-6 SICSS-032(*)-6 JMQSS-040(*)-6 JMQSS-062(*)-6 JMQSS-125(*)-6 | SICSS-010(*)-12
SICSS-020(*)-12 SICSS-032(*)-12 JMQSS-040(*)-12 JMQSS-062(*)-12 JMQSS-125(*)-12 |
K CHROMEGA™-ALOMEGA™ 304 SS Sheath | 0.010 0.020 0.032 0.040 0.062 0.125 | SCASS-010(*)-6
SCASS-020(*)-6 SCASS-032(*)-6 KMQSS-040(*)-6 KMQSS-062(*)-6 KMQSS-125(*)-6 | SCASS-010(*)-10
SCASS-020(*)-12 SCASS-032(*)-12 KMQSS-040(*)-12 KMQSS-062(*)-12 KMQSS-125(*)-12 |
K CHROMEGA™-ALOMEGA™ Super OMEGACLAD™ XL Sheath Sheath | 0.010 0.020 0.032 0.040 0.062 0.125 | SCAXL-010(*)-6
SCAXL-020(*)-6 SCAXL-032(*)-6 KMQXL-040(*)-6 KMQXL-062(*)-6 KMQXL-125(*)-6 | SCAXL-010(*)-10
SCAXL-020(*)-12 SCAXL-032(*)-12 KMQXL-040(*)-12 KMQXL-062(*)-12 KMQXL-125(*)-12 |
N OMEGA-P™-OMEGA-N™ Super OMEGACLAD™ XL Sheath | 0.020 0.032 0.040 0.062 0.125 | SNNXL-020(*)-6
SNNXL-032(*)-6 NMQXL-040(*)-6 NMQXL-062(*)-6 NMQXL-125(*)-6 | SNNXL-020(*)-12
SNNXL-032(*)-12 NMQXL-040(*)-12 NMQXL-062(*)-12 NMQXL-125(*)-12 |
E CHROMEGA™-Constantan 304 SS Sheath | 0.010 0.020 0.032 0.040 0.062 0.125 | SCXSS-010(*)-6
SCXSS-020(*)-6 SCXSS-032(*)-6 EMQSS-040(*)-6 EMQSS-062(*)-6 EMQSS-125(*)-6 | SCXSS-010(*)-12
SCXSS-020(*)-12 SCXSS-032(*)-12 EMQSS-040(*)-12 EMQSS-062(*)-12 EMQSS-125(*)-12 |
T Copper-Constantan 304 SS Sheath | 0.020 0.032 0.040 0.062 0.125 | SCPSS-020(*)-6
SCPSS-032(*)-6 TMQSS-040(*)-6 TMQSS-062(*)-6 TMQSS-125(*)-6 | SCPSS-020(*)-12
SCPSS-032(*)-12 TMQSS-040(*)-12 TMQSS-062(*)-12 TMQSS-125(*)-12 |
N OMEGALLOY™ Inconel 600 Sheath | 0.010 0.020 0.032 0.040 0.062 0.125 | SNNIN-010(*)-6
SNNIN-020(*)-6 SNNIN-032(*)-6 NMQIN-040(*)-6 NMQIN-062(*)-6 NMQIN-125(*)-6 | SNNIN-010(*)-12
SNNIN-020(*)-12 SNNIN-032(*)-12 NMQIN-040(*)-12 NMQIN-062(*)-12 NMQIN-125(*)-12 |