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Ceramic Insulated Finned Strip Heaters - Two Terminals at One End - Type T2

CSF2 Series

Ceramic Insulated Finned Strip Heaters | CSF2 Series

Ceramic Insulated Finned Strip Heaters

See All Models Below

  • Rugged, Durable Construction
  • Stainless Steel Sheath
  • Nickel-Plated Steel Fins (Stainless Steel Optional)
  • Various Terminations
  • Trouble-Free Installation
  • Various Sizes in Stock
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OMEGA™ finned strip heaters are extremely efficient and dependable as a heat source for hundreds of industrial and commercial applications. They are used for both forced (mounted in a duct) and natural convection air heating (mounted at the bottom of cabinet type ovens). The finned strip heater’s basic design consists of a helically wound resistance coil placed in a specially designed ceramic insulator. The resistance coil is mechanically connected to the screw terminal for positive connection. Stainless steel rectangular tubing is used to house the heater assembly. All remaining voids are filled with high purity magnesium oxide to increase thermal conductivity and dielectric strength. Nickel-plated steel fins (stainless steel optional) are mounted to the rectangular tubing. The fins have been specially designed to provide maximum surface contact for good heat dissipation into the finned cross sections, thus resulting in rapid heat transfer to the air. OMEGA finned strip heaters are manufactured in a full line of standard sizes, electrical ratings and terminations, or can be made to your specifications.

Specification and Tolerances
If tighter tolerances are required consult Omega.
Performance Ratings
Maximum Sheath Temperature: 650°C (1200°F)
Electrical Specifications
Maximum Voltage: 480 Vac (when applicable)
Maximum Amperage: 25 A
Resistance Tolerance: 10%, -5%
Wattage Tolerance: 5%, -10%
Material Specifications and Physical Sizes
Sheath: 304 stainless steel
Fins: Nickel plated steel (stainless steel optional)
Screw Terminals: Stainless steel 10-32 UNF threads
Width Including Fins: 51 mm (2")
Height Including Fins: 35 mm (13/8")
Length Tolerance: Up to 0.61 m (24") ±1/16", over 0.61 m (24") ±1/8"
Mounting Slot Size: Standard 8 x 13 mm (5/16 × 1/2")
Slot Size For Secondary Insulating Bushing: 13 x 16 mm (1/2 × 5/8") for 300V and above

Model No. Length Watts Watt Density
120V 240V mm inch Watt/cm2 Watt/in2
CSF00127 CSF00128 266.7 1012 725 6 36
CSF00133 CSF00134 304.8 12 900 6 36
CSF00137 CSF00138 355.6 14 1100 5 32
CSF00141 CSF00142 387.4 1514 1250 5 34
CSF00146 CSF00147 454.0 1778 1550 5 33
CSF00151 CSF00152 495.3 1912 1700 5 30
CSF00166 647.7 2512 2400 5 33
CSF00177 774.7 3012 2800 5 31
Ordering Example: CSF00133, 900 watt, 120 Vac, finned strip heater.
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Part Number/Desc.
Availability: 5 weeks
120 Volt, 725 Watts, 10.5 Inches Long
Availability: 5 weeks
120 Volt, 900 Watts, 12 Inches Long
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120 Volt, 1100 Watts, 14 Inches Long
Availability: 5 weeks
120 Volt, 1250 Watts, 15 1/4 Inches Long
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120 Volt, 1550 Watts, 17 7/8 Inches Long
Availability: 5 weeks
240 Volt, 725 Watts, 10 1/2 Inches Long
Availability: 7 weeks
240 Volt, 1550 Watts, 17 7/8 Inches Long
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240 Volt, 2800 Watts, 30 1/2 Inches Long

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