The OMEGA™ iTHX transmitter lets you monitor and
record temperature, relative humidity, and dew point
over an Ethernet network or the Internet with no
special software except a web browser.
The iTHX serves active web pages to display realtime
readings, charts of temperature and humidity,
or log data in standard data formats for use in a
spreadsheet or data acquisition program such as
Excel or Visual Basic.
The virtual chart viewed on the web page is a JAVA™
Applet that records a chart over the LAN or Internet
in real time. With the iTHX, there is no need to invest
time and money learning a proprietary software
program to log or chart the data.
Email Alarms
All iTHX models that are on a LAN that is
connected to the Internet can trigger an alarm that
can be sent by email to a user or a distribution list
anywhere in the world, including text messages to
cell phones and PDA’s.
Typical Applications
The iTHX is great for
monitoring temperature and humidity
in applications such as: clean rooms,
computer rooms, HVAC systems,
pharmaceutical and food processing
and storage, hospitals, laboratories,
semiconductor labs, electronic
assembly, warehousing, museums,
manufacturing, greenhouses and,
farm animal shelters.
† All prices on this site are shown in Singapore Dollars. Note: Volume discounts available.
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