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The OMEGA™ Vacuum thermocouples are designed to be used in Vacuum Chambers or Vacuum Ovens or any process chamber that has an existing KF style flanged connection. #10 and #16 flanged sensors are provided with 1/8" diameter, and #25 and #40 flanged sensors are provided with 1/4" diameter probes. These sensors are available with 3", 6" and 12" standard lengths and ungrounded junctions. Special Limits of Error (SLE) Type K, T and E calibrations, and 304 stainless steel sheaths and flanges. Cables are #24AWG stranded thermocouple wires with PFA Insulation, PFA jacket and stainless steel overbraid and SMPW connector. Please consult sales for other probe lengths, cable lengths, grounded junctions or other options.Part Number Builder