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Step 2... New Customer Registration

  • If you are a NEW USER, fill out the form below. This information will be used to ship your order, and will be saved for the next time that you visit. Please read our privacy statement.

* Denotes Required Fields

New Customer Registration Form

Your Logon Info...

Enter a unique username and password below. You will use this to logon to our site the next time that you visit.

Username (4-20 letters and/or numbers) *

Password (4-20 letters and/or numbers) *

Confirm Password *

Billing Information...

If paying by credit card, this must be the address that your card billing statement is mailed to. If using Company Purchase Orders, please enter your company billing address.

Title *

First Name *

Surname *

Job Title / Position *

Company Name *

Address (Line 1) *

Address (Line 2)

Country *

City *

Postal Code/Zip Code *

Phone Number *

Email Address *

Customer Classification *

Check if Shipping address is same as billing. Otherwise, un-check and fill out rest of form.

Shipping Information...


First Name *

Surname *

Job Title / Position *

Company Name *

Address (Line 1) *

Address (Line 2)

Country *

City *

Postal Code/Zip Code *

Phone Number