SRTD-1 and SRTD-2
Cement on RTD Elements for Surface Measurement
36" Leads Standard
Ideal for Surface Temperature Measurement
Wire Wound 100 Ohm Pt RTD Element
Response Time in Milliseconds
Very Low Thermal Inertia
Rated to 260°C (500°F) Long Term
Available in Two Standard Tolerances
Works with OB-(*) Series of Cements
Lead wire tolerance is +2.00/-0.00
RTD (PT100) Probes, Elements and Assemblies - View related products
† All prices on this site are shown in Taiwan Dollars.
Note: Additional lead wire is available, add suffix “-X” (where X is length in inches) to model number and add $5.00 for each additional foot or fraction thereof to price. Comes with complete instructions.
Ordering Example: (1) SRTD-1 Cement-On RTD with 36'' of lead length, stripped end termination, ±0.50% accuracy, TWD17,602
Option Descriptions:
Sensing Element and Accuracy select from:1 for Sensing element 100.00 ±0.50 OHM at 0°C. Accuracy ±0.50% of temperature reading
2 for Sensing element 100.00 ±0.22 OHM at 0°C. Accuracy ±0.25% of temperature reading
Length select from:Nothing(leave field blank) for 36 in
-48 INCH for 48 in
-60 INCH for 60 in
-72 INCH for 72 in
-78 INCH for 78 in
-84 INCH for 84 in
-96 INCH for 96 in
-120 INCH for 120 in
-180 INCH for 180 in
-300 INCH for 300 in
-360 INCH for 360 in
Connector select from:Nothing(leave field blank) for None
-MTP for MTP connector
-TA3F for TA3F connector
Note: All combinations may not be valid, check spec sheet for valid part numbers.