High Accuracy Metric Pressure Transducers | Solid State
5-Point Agency Traceable Calibration Included
Metric Pressure Ranges
G 1/4 Thread Standard
0 to 100 mV, 0 to 10 Vdc, or 4 to 20 mA Outputs
Gauge, Compound Gauge, Absolute, Vacuum and Barometric Pressure Ranges Available
Welded Stainless Steel Construction
316 Stainless Steel Wetted Parts
Premium Temperature Performance
Broad Compensated Temperature Range
Ruggedized with Secondary Containment
Pressure Transducers - View related products
† All prices on this site are shown in Taiwan Dollars.
Note: All models come with a NIST traceable calibraton certificate.
Ordering Example: (1) PXM409-007BGV 0.08% accuracy, G 1/4 Th'd, 7 bar range, 10 mV/V output, cable termination, TWD28,110
Option Descriptions:
Electrical Termination select from:0 for 2m cable
1 for mini DIN
2 for Twist-lock connector
5 for M12 4-pin male connector
bar Range - Not all ranges are available for every pressure type select from:025H for 25 mbar
070H for 70 mbar
170H for 170 mbar
350H for 350 mbar
1100H for 0 to 1100 mbar (barometric models only)
550H for 550 to 1100 mbar (barometric models only)
880H for 880 to 1100 mbar (barometric models only)
001B for 1 bar
002B for 2 bar
3.5B for 3.5 bar
007B for 7 bar
010B for 10 bar
17.5B for 17.5 bar
035B for 35 bar
050B for 50 bar
070B for 70 bar
100B for 100 bar
175B for 175 bar
245B for 245 bar
350B for 350 bar
Pressure Type select from:G for Gauge
A for Absolute
V for Vacuum
CG for Compound Gauge
B for Barometric
Output select from:V for 10 mV/V
10V for 0 to 10 Vdc
I for 4 to 20 mA
Note: All combinations may not be valid, check spec sheet for valid part numbers.