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Rotary Actuators
Rotary Actuators
Modular shaft and flange mount rotary actuators are used for pneumatic rotational motion up to 180°. Change direction, turn over or rotate objects with precision. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Parallel and Angular Precision Grippers
Parallel and Angular Precision Grippers
Modular precision pneumatic grippers, 2 jaw parallel and 180° angular models, with a wide range of gripping forces and stroke lengths. Miniature models for picking up small electronic components to robust models to grasp and move larger size objects, clean room and harsh environment models available. Used in industrial automation applications, lab, R&D, factory motion and end-of-arm tooling. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Linear Actuators and Rail Slides
Linear Actuators and Rail Slides
Good selections of force and stroke lengths are available with our internally powered pneumatic actuators. Our precision linear thruster slides and mini rail slides offer a modular solution to linear motion. Add a gripper and create a pick-n-place quickly, without adaptor plates, to eliminating repetitive motion and reduce labor cost in assembly, inspection and packaging. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Pneumatic and Electro-Pneumatic Control Valves
Pneumatic and Electro-Pneumatic Control Valves
2-Way, 3-Way and 4-Way directional control, solenoid operated pneumatic valves. Single station and expandable valve banks for use with grippers, linear slides rotary actuators, cylinders and other motion devices. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Filters, Regulators and Air Preparation
Filters, Regulators and Air Preparation
General Purpose components, singular and modular systems, for regulating and filtering, coalescing and lubrication of compressed air for use with all pneumatic devices. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Fittings, Tubing and Pneumatic Accessories
Fittings, Tubing and Pneumatic Accessories
Push-To-Connect Air Line fittings, Polyurethane tubing, flow control valves and other pneumatic accessories used to connect with motion devices. These are quickly connected to reduce labor and allow for easy modification. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Position Indicators
Position Indicators
The Proximity™ Series Mark Position Indicators/Switches/Transmitters are a line of position indicators with a selection of various output options. VIEW PRODUCTS »