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Air Velocity Indicators & Wind Tunnels

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Portable Velocity Meters Product Finder
Portable Velocity Meters Product Finder
Easily find and compare portable velocity meters. Use the finder tool to view a refined list of meters with only the specifications you need. VIEW PRODUCTS »
CFM Indicating Anemometers
CFM Indicating Anemometers
Versatile, these instruments can take a wide variety of measurments, our models are lightweight and portable. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Hygro-Thermometer Anemometers
Hygro-Thermometer Anemometers
Portable air velocity meters with temperature, humidity as well as other functions. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Measure air velocity, choose from instruments with different sizes, styles, and features. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Benchtop Windtunnels
Benchtop Windtunnels
Omega makes it possible for anyone to own a wind tunnel! Benchtop sized and highly uniform choice of flow rates. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Portable Air Velocity Kits
Portable Air Velocity Kits
Measure air velocity anywhere, these instruments are easy to carry and feature-filled. VIEW PRODUCTS »
In-Line Flow Meters
In-Line  Flow Meters
Monitor a variety of different measurements with these easy to install instruments. VIEW PRODUCTS »